Ghetto Diva!

Mixeaza piese sport cu pantofi stiletto, fuste creion si accesorii “bling” pentru a crea un stil eclectic, cu multa atitudine, inspirat de ghetto-urile americane, unde muzica si cultura hip hop dicteaza moda.

Rihanna, Iggy Azalea, Rita Ora sau Azealia Banks sunt cateva dintre fashion icon-urile ce s-au inspirat din cultura hip hop, dand nastere unui nou trend in moda: ghetto diva.


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Foto: Marta Popescu
Styling: Milona Rac-Hristov
Make-up: Ioana Cristea
Model: Selina Popa

CRONICA: Ce mi-a placut si ce m-a dezamagit la Gala AVANPREMIERE 13


Saptamana aceasta a avut loc cea de-a 13-a editie a Galei Avanpremiere. In cadrul evenimentului si-au prezentat colectiile 9 designeri romani, atat nume consacrate cat si debutanti extrem de talentati: Cristina Bizu, Ioana Ciolacu, Florina Ivascu, Alina Morar, Cristian Samfira, Carmen Secareanu, Simona Semen / Alexandra Abraham, Traskin si Natalia Vasiliev.

Primul lucru nou, la aceasta editie, a fost locatia, show-ul de marti fiind desfasurat intr-un cadru inedit, la One Club. Amplasarea in cerc a canapelelor in jurul unei scene la inaltime ar fi trebuit, in principiu, sa le ofere spectatorilor o mai buna vedere asupra colectiei, insa efectul nu a fost chiar cel asteptat. Atunci cand asisti la un show de moda, te astepti sa vezi hainele indeaproape, in detaliu, asa cum nu ai face-o in alte conditii, insa nu s-a intamplat asa. Urmarind pozele, realizez ca multe detalii mi-au scapat… detalii ce ar fi putut sa-mi schimbe impresia generala despre eveniment… sau nu.

Si daca tot vorbim despre detalii, nici in aceasta privinta nu am fost impresionata. Daca la editiile trecute, inca mai puteam sa spun “WOW!” la vederea unor colectii, de data aceasta mirarea a lipsit. Am fost greu impresionata de creatiile designerilor, care pareau ca au ramas fara inspiratie, sau ca s-au chinuit atat de mult pentru a face ceva deosebit, ca au cazut in extrema cealalta, eliminand complet esteticul.

Primul designer ce si-a trimis colectiile pe scena a fost Cristina Bizu, cu colectia de debut “Cookies”. Culori pastelate, ceva joc de volume, un aer jucaus… dragut per total, dar nimic impresionant. Trageam deci speranta la colectiile ce urmau, si nu am fost dezmagita… pe moment.

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Fall 2013 trends: Back to romanian traditions


We’ll never know where we want to go, before we know where we’ve been. We can not create our future if we ignore our past, our traditions, our culture.

So when we break the chains of our fast paced lives, we turn our heads towards nature and we remember who we really are.

We’ve never been more free, than when we are in harmony with everything that surrounds us, with nature, with our kind.

We remember our parents, our grandparents, our culture and traditions. We find our identity in everything that was and is, and we step full-hearted towards our future.
Styling: Milona Rac-Hristov
Make-up: Diana Ionescu
Foto: Sorin Florea
Model: Elisabeta Popa


Romanian traditional skirt (worn as dress) by Iiana, necklace by Iuliana Asoltanei


Romanian traditional skirt (worn as dress) by Iiana, necklace by Iuliana Asoltanei

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Turning Black


I’m not the “black” type of girl. I’m more the ‘pink+yellow+green’ type, the kind you just can’t miss when she walks by just because your eyes hurt so bad. Ok, I’m kidding, but I do like to drees in all of those three colours at the same time, though I have to admit it’s more of  summer thing.

Come winter and I turn my head to ol’ faithful black, while my lust for bright colours turns more into ‘pink jeans+blue denim shirt’, or ‘red jeans+black blazer’, or my favourite black with pink polkadots blazer.

My creative side always tries to escape the winter gloominess and all the grey people, but when I do it in winter colours, I like to do it the rightway.

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She said, he said



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In the end it’s just a classical “she said, he said” story. They threw alot of words at eachother, some of love, some of hate, penetrating every fibre like swords. Alot of “nos”, and “maybes”, but none of them really knew the word “yes”.


Styling & Clothes: Milona Rac-Hristov

Photographs: Mihaela Gheata and Elena Cretu

Photo editing: Sorin Florea

Model: Geanina Careisa


All items are handmade and unique and can be ordered at

Maiastra, the rewritten story of the romanian blouse


In the past years, the romanian designers have reconsidered the romanian folklore, exploring out traditional costumes under many forms. In the center of all these: the eternal romanian blouse, ia.

In was the source of inspiration for many young romanian designers, as it was for some great names in the fashion industry, such as Tom Ford or Yves Saint Laurent, and lately it’s been reciveing greater attention after international stars integrated romanian inspired blouses into their outfits. In the midst of all these, the event that took place last week at GALATECA came completely natural.

Last thursday, GALATECA hosted a verry special fashion show. The students of DallesGO Styling courses, guided by teacher Ovidiu Buta, hosted a show based on the romanian blouse, reconsidered and integrated in modern and creative outfits. Dandy, Rock Glam, Romanian Beauty, Princess Leia, Maria Tanase, Vampire Chic, Alice in Urbanland, Boyfriend Look, Russian Girl or Muslim Bride are some of the styles and personas that the DallesGo stylists created with the romanian blouse being the star of the show.

As soon as I had found out about the event, I got verry excited, though iti didn’t come as much of a surprise to me. I myself had just finished a project that was verry dear to me, that bore in the center the romanian blouse itself (i’ll tell you more about this verry soon), and when you think about all the attention that this traditional romanian piece got lately, the DallesGo project seemed to me just the natural thing to do. It felt like another piece in the wonderful puzzle that consolidates the positiona of the romanian folklore in fashion. And yet, it was more than this.

I knew that the romanian blouse was an extremely versatile piece (I myself have styled it in a couple of unconventional outfits), but when you have 20 brains in one place, working together, the result can be nothing less than spectacular, and the possibilities endless. And that’s just what Ovidiu Buta’s students did, proving that “ia”, the romanian blouse, is more modern, special and more versatile than any other piece. But you can see for yourself in the pictures below. Enjoy “Maiastra, the rewritten story of ia, the romanian blouse”.


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Heart. Fix. Love


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They say her heart bled a long time ago.

They say rivers of red flew out to cover her grey past, turning into burgundy as time ran by.

They say alot, the others.

But to her it just feels like wearing her heart on the outside hoping that someone will pick it up and say:

“Yes, i belive this heart can be fixed.”


The dresses can be ordered at

Material: chiffon

Size: M

All items are handmade and unique.


Photographs: Mihaela Gheata and Elena Cretu

Photo editing: Sorin Florea

Model: Geanina Careisa

Styling & Clothes: Milona Rac-Hristov

Get playful in Tom Ford’s Fall 2013 Ad Campaign


Somewhere on the thin line between good taste and bad taste, that’s what Tom Ford’s Fall 2013 collection looked like. A cultural and artsy mismatch that looked so intriguing but so pleasing to the eye.

At least to the eye of one that doesn’t take fashion too seriously, but rather sees it as a perfect playground for imagination. And that i like to think I am.

As if the collection wasn’t enough, Tom Ford took it forward and showed off his ludic and sensual side in his Fall 2013 Ad Campaign. ‘Cause girls just wanna have fun, fun, fun!

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Gala AVANPREMIERE 12 – Colectii 2013/2014


Gala AVANPREMIERE – cel mai important eveniment de fashion multi brand din Romania ajunge la cea de-a doisprezecea editie. Acesta se va desfasura pe 23 mai, la orele 20.00, in exotica si inedita locatie din Serele Bell’Agio Casa.

Bucurestiul are un mediu cultural si academic remarcabil, care inlesneste inradacinarea pe lunga durata a unui eveniment de anvergura si complexitate, precum AVANPREMIERE. Vorbim despre o Gala nationala cu preocupari europene, prin marime, participanti, aria de abordare a temelor si ideilor creative de maxima modernitate si actualitate. In plus, AVANPREMIERE este o demonstratie a felului in care moda româneasca se exprima plenar pentru sezonul viitor, si sunt mândru ca avem dupa 11 editii o Gala puternica, cu traditie si cu un cuvânt important de spus in peisajul modei românesti. Multe nume importante au fost lansate aici ori sau impus in aceste editii ce au creat deja o traditie, unica, in moda romaneasca”, explica Alin Galatescu, organizatorul si directorul Galei AVANPREMIERE.

Pe lista numelor confirmate pentru cea de-a 12-a editie a Galei se numara designeri consacrati precum Natalia Vasiliev, Rhea Costa, Iris Serban, Ioana Ciolacu, Simona Semen, Fe(Male), Bianca Popp, Anca & Silvia Negulescu, carora li se adauga tinere talente precum:  Alex Tunsu, M12 si Florina Ivascu. Editia actuala o sa aiba cel mai mare numar de colectii ce urmeaza sa fie prezentate, din intreaga istorie a Galei.

Cea de-a doisprezecea editie va avea loc intr-o locatie inedita: Serele Bell’Agio Casa. Ca si in editia cu numarul 11 a Galei AVANPREMIERE, acestea au fost redeschise in exclusivitate pentru aceast eveniment. O locatie speciala si atipica, niciodata folosita in astfel de show-uri, aducând un profund aer parizian, grefat pe un spatiu ideal pentru prezentari de moda profesioniste.

Partenerii acestei editii sunt:

GETT’s Salons, ABA Make-Up Academy, Gosh, Privileg Catering, Aqua Carpatica, Peroni, Il Passo–Shoes & Accessories, DEB – Sound & Light, PQB Communication Designers, Stan Miles Studio, Madalina Mocanu.

Gala AVANPREMIERE va asteapta la Serele Bell’Agio Casa, pe 23 mai, ora 20:00 alaturi de moda romaneasca de inalta clasa – inovativa si fara frontiere.